URC 150th celebrations
Everyone loves a good party and what a great party weekend the club had!
From the Meet and Greet on the Friday night at Winnie Bagoes to the final wrap up on the sunday, it was just such a good time to be part of the Union family.
No party is a good party though unless you have guests that are in the right mood. Pat yourselves on the back for not only turning up, but also for getting into the spirit of the whole weekend event.
To those that travelled to be with us, a big thanks. Union can be proud of what it has achieved over its 150 years, and when you heard Jim cover all the successes and near success over the decades it makes one feel good to have been a part of it all. As Chairman of the organising group I would extend a big thank you to all for whatever part you played in supporting the 150th. See you at the 175th, September 2039.